When you trust yourself more than God for career success

Faith, Wisdom|

By now, I’m going to assume you’ve seen the viral video of a political expert being interviewed via Skype by the BBC, and the comedy that ensues when his two daughters boldly and innocently enter into his home office before being corralled and yanked out of there by their completely embarrassed mom. I saw the video early on Friday morning, and immediately showed Rachel (who loved it because that could ...

When You’re Playing Hide and Seek with God

Faith, Wisdom|

I  have a three-year old nephew named Blake, and he is the cutest thing alive.  I bet that all uncles say that about their nephews and nieces, but I personally think Blake would out-cute all other cute kids in any cuteness competition! Well, he and his family visited us this summer, and we spent our days going to the beach, swimming in the neighborhood pool, watching movies, and just spending ...

When our Hearts are Restless


Just like at the beginning of a new year, the beginning of my summer gives me a chance to consider how the first few five months have gone, and recalibrate my trajectory if I've gone a bit off track.  While it was a successful Spring semester, I do wish I would have spent more time with God.  Those of you who know me know that at the end of my ...

Does God Share Secrets With You?


To start the new year off right, I’m reading Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts and it’s teaching me a lot about counting my blessings on a daily basis, and how that directly produces joy in life. I will probably blog about the book when I am done because I’m finding it life-changing, but for now I want to write about something else that the book prompted within me. Ann is ...

My Goals Poster for 2015


If you've known me for a while, you know that each year I try to put together a collage of sorts with images from the Web - which I call my Goals Poster.  It's just a visual depiction of the major things I want to do in my life that year, and it helps me to boldly put my hopes and dreams and ambitions "out there" instead of just keeping ...

When You Want To Live a Great Story

Courage, Faith, Wisdom|

Alright.  What did I learn from the Storyline conference, if I consider how I've been living my life thus far, and how I want to make sure it is a great story?  Well, the first thing I realized is that even though I am always asking God to come through for me with this or with that, and definitely sometimes getting bummed and frustrated with various things, I have so ...

My Goals and Dreams Poster


Every year, I try to make a Goals and Dreams poster just to force myself to articulate tangible things that I want and hope to work towards over the next twelve months.  It seriously helps me. I first pray about a "theme" that God would want to give me for the new year - sort of a defining and encapsulating big picture that will regularly be relevant in interesting and ...

How Are You Getting Through Life?

Faith, Strength, Wisdom|

Earlier this semester. my friend Lucas recently twisted his ankle badly while we were playing ultimate frisbee at school. I was pretty close to him when it happened, and we heard a loud pop and so we thought he had completely broken it. Thankfully, though, a visit to the ER revealed that he had a severe strain and would need to stay off of it for a few weeks. So, ...

Remember Me With Favor


One of my most favorite people in the entire Bible is Nehemiah.  He inspires me because of the way he lived and the way he thought about things, and the things that he said.  One of my most favorite things that he said dots the landscape of the book in which he is featured.  In fact, the very last words of this book - nestled between Ezra and Esther - ...