When Your Prayers Aren’t Loud Enough


I’m not getting a lot of sleep recently due to our eleven-month old waking up randomly to scream her lungs out. We struggled a lot during the first five months, but then turned a corner and enjoyed four months of baby Maya sleeping through the night (I felt like a brand new human, it was glorious!). But now everything has changed for the last two months, and I’m up multiple ...

How Our Compromises Cost Us

Strength, Wisdom|

I have to travel sometimes for work, and pretty much every time I stay in a hotel, I am fascinated by my hotel room’s minibar. Why, you ask? Well, first off, I typically have just gotten off a multiple-hour airplane leg, and I’m desperate and absolutely starving. Second, I really don’t want to try to find a decent restaurant around me, because I’m exhausted from airports and lines and people ...

When You Don’t Pray Anymore


Shepherds. I’ve been thinking about them a lot recently, mostly because of a verse that stood out to me: The shepherds are senseless and do not inquire of the Lord; so they do not prosper and all their flock is scattered. When I read that, I was like, whoa, God, you’re really calling them out. What exactly do You want them to ask You about? I mean, what they are ...

When You’re Playing Hide and Seek with God

Faith, Wisdom|

I  have a three-year old nephew named Blake, and he is the cutest thing alive.  I bet that all uncles say that about their nephews and nieces, but I personally think Blake would out-cute all other cute kids in any cuteness competition! Well, he and his family visited us this summer, and we spent our days going to the beach, swimming in the neighborhood pool, watching movies, and just spending ...

Learning Lessons the First Time Around


A handful of years ago, I realized that my brain works in this very linear and sequential fashion – which sounds good and healthy and all that, but actually is a bit dysfunctional when coupled with my always-doing-something personality. Basically, the way that I am wired is that I am always onto the next thing before I’m fully finished with the first thing because my mind just automatically and mechanically ...

What If Your Summer Camp Mentality Was Year Round?


Every summer, I go to summer camp. And I've been doing this for years. To be honest, things are a little different now that I am an adult in that I don't go as a camper, but as a volunteer or counselor or leader or helper (depending on the camp). Back in the day, though, I loved going to camps every summer - with my church, with 4H, at the ...

When You Realize You’re Emotionally Unstable

Strength, Wisdom|

I have been thinking a lot recently about being unstable.  What seems to cause me to be unstable?  Well, it’s going back and forth on things in my mind.  So I’m not single-minded, I’m double-minded.  And I am realizing I hate being double-minded and I hate being unstable, because it feels like nothing is right and I’ve completely lost focus from what matters.  It’s like, I really want to be ...

My Goals and Dreams Poster


Every year, I try to make a Goals and Dreams poster just to force myself to articulate tangible things that I want and hope to work towards over the next twelve months.  It seriously helps me. I first pray about a "theme" that God would want to give me for the new year - sort of a defining and encapsulating big picture that will regularly be relevant in interesting and ...

How Are You Getting Through Life?

Faith, Strength, Wisdom|

Earlier this semester. my friend Lucas recently twisted his ankle badly while we were playing ultimate frisbee at school. I was pretty close to him when it happened, and we heard a loud pop and so we thought he had completely broken it. Thankfully, though, a visit to the ER revealed that he had a severe strain and would need to stay off of it for a few weeks. So, ...