When You’re Always Caring What Others Think


I've been thinking a lot recently how people have dreams, and they even feel those dreams are from God...and they let other people know about their dreams, and have full faith for them, and wait for them, but it just doesn't happen. Well, it at least hasn't happened yet. And it makes me think about David, and how in his poems and writings, he asks God repeatedly to not let ...

Believing for the Best and Preparing for the Worst


I've been thinking how well-intentioned people, in reference to having a particular outlook toward an event, or experience, or even life in general, say "Expect the best, but prepare for the worst."  Expect the best.  Okay.  But prepare for the worst.  Um.  Okay. I've decided I hate that line.  It sounds good, it sounds conciliatory and maybe even soothing.  But it's so neutral, it's so...antiseptic.  It's so weak, honestly.  At ...

Living on the Edge

Courage, Strength|

I've been thinking a lot about the edge recently. And living on it. I know that sounds vague. So I'll try to explain. I've been going to yoga relatively regularly for the last few months. The goal has been to really try to increase my flexibility and balance. My hamstrings, for instance, are always tight because I've been running around on fields for decades and I guess I don't really ...

The Beauty of Being Vulnerable in Relationships

Courage, Dating, Strength|

Ive been thinking a lot about one of C.S. Lewis's most famous and most profound quotes: “To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it ...

Testing our Strength

Courage, Strength|

I have this friend, Wil, who I have known since he was eight.  He will be turning sixteen in January.  I hang out with him and his siblings (they are so much fun, and such great kids!), and his parents mentor me in a variety of ways that help me through life.  It's been really neat to see Wil grow up.  I remember being able to toss him in the ...