What I’ve Learned in Eight Years of Marriage


    Rachel and I completed ten years of knowing each other and eight years of marriage last year, and I’m glad to honestly be able to say we are doing great. The guys I know don’t really talk about their marriages with one another, and so I have no reference point; I just have learned that putting my wife’s needs first is what I am called to do and what I ...

      What I’ve Learned in Seven Years of Marriage


      Rachel told me a while back that the seventh year of marriage is supposedly the hardest, with statistics showing that half of married couples who divorce do so by this point. I had never heard of this concept, but apparently, it’s a “thing” – and related to the “seven-year itch” (i.e., the desire to have an affair). With this in mind, and as I’ve done with our six month, one year, two ...

        Dealing With Each Other’s Idiosyncrasies


        You might think this odd, but whenever it is raining and I’m driving around, I don’t use my car’s windshield wipers. This makes Rachel crazy. She’s like, “How can you even see!?” and I’m like, “I dunno, I just do!” I know she doesn’t understand why I won’t turn on the wipers to clear the windshield when it’s such a simple and sensible thing to do. But I just don’t. ...

          How Your Wife Fits Into Your Life

          Dating, Marriage|

          Well, in marriage, the lessons just keep on coming. And I’m committed to keep sharing what I’m learning just in case it helps someone else. I know all of my single friends want to get married, and I want them to get married as well. (Immediately!) But the more wisdom you can gain right now will save you a lot of headache and heartache down the road. So let’s get ...

            Do You Take Your Partner for Granted?

            Dating, Marriage|

            Rachel and I share a king-sized bed. Oh man, a king-sized bed is the best. I know everyone can’t currently have one because their bedroom or budget may not accommodate it, but I hope that everyone eventually gets one. Really. The reason why is because of S-P-A-C-E. Space! I love space. I need space. While I technically can fall asleep while spooning Rachel, I much prefer to have as much ...

              When My Mouth Gets Me In Trouble

              Dating, Marriage|

              So, I really didn’t know the power of my words until I got married - when I began to fully and completely do life with another individual. And though I quickly caught a glimpse of this during the first six months of marriage, my eyes are still constantly being opened to this reality. I’ve realized that when I am with co-workers or at church or small group or playing sports ...

                What I’ve Learned in Three Years of Marriage

                Marriage, Wisdom|

                I can’t believe it, but it’s been three years since I said “I do” at the altar and married the love of my life. Three whole years. Among the joys we’ve shared together (some cool annual vacations, the birth of our first child, cheering on my favorite sports teams) and the struggles we’ve jointly endured (the passing of Rachel’s grandparents, some health issues, and some difficult work and ministry transitions), ...

                  What Are You Competing For?

                  Dating, Marriage|

                  I’ve been thinking a lot about competition recently, and how it relates to the things I want in my life. When I was in high school, I competed with my peers to get straight As (predictable, I know!), to know more about professional sports teams, and to be more athletic – whether it was a better crossover dribble on the driveway when we were playing pickup basketball, or becoming more ...

                    The Most Important Thing You Can Ask Your Mate

                    Dating, Marriage|

                    Whether you’ve been in a relationship for a few weeks, a few months, or a few years, you’ve learned that communication is critical and foundational for things to work out. Some of us are naturally good at expressing our feelings and our needs, while many of us struggle to share personal thoughts that would help us love our partner well, and be loved well in return. We all want to ...

                      The Importance of Non-Sexual Touch

                      Dating, Marriage|

                      When we were dating, I wanted to touch Rachel all of the time. I remember shaking her hand when first meeting her. I remember teaching her how to juggle, and having her stand right next to me, with her left hip touching my right hip. I remember our first high-five, and our first playful bump into each other. And I remember when I put my hand around her shoulder for ...